Mario Orozco
Team: Orozco Racing
Ride: BMW
Birthdate: September 27, 1964
Mario is easily recognized at the track by his big smile, colorful Z leathers, and smooth riding style. He discovered his addiction to roadracing motorcycles when he attended the California Superbike School in 2003. He found track riding to be safer and a lot more fun than riding on the street. His appetite for improvement led to numerous school dates, which evolved into racing, with the support of his equally addicted and highly competitive wife, Laura.
After a successful first year of racing and winning a Novice Championship, he bravely chose to jump right into the deep end of the pool in 2012 by racing WERA Formula 1 and "A" Superbike classes on his blazing fast BMW S1000RR. Gridding up against former and current AMA pros like Dale Kieffer, Jake Zemke, and Chris Ulrich only widened his grin!
With major improvement at every track event, Mario is carving a place for himself in these extremely competitive classes. Look for his smile and growly number 27 BMW at tracks around Southern California and at all the WERA West events in 2014.