Orozco Racing
Brown Motor Works
Orozco Racing

Mario Orozco

Mario Orozco


Team: Orozco Racing
Ride: BMW
Birthdate: September 27, 1964

Mario is easily recognized at the track by his big smile, colorful Z leathers, and smooth riding style. He discovered his addiction to roadracing motorcycles when he attended the California Superbike School in 2003. He found track riding to be safer and a lot more fun than riding on the street. His appetite for improvement led to numerous school dates, which evolved into racing, with the support of his equally addicted and highly competitive wife, Laura.

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Meet the Team
Orozco Team

Mario knows that it takes a great team to make a race season successful. Mario's wife Laura is with him at most races - sometimes competing in the same races! Their unique competitive relationship drives them both to be faster and more accurate every lap. Their son Alex is a great help to the team and is in charge of equipment load up, cheering section, and brings a great spirit of play to the racetrack. Brown Motor Works and Crew Chief Sean Moody keep the BMW in tip-top shape. Brian from Caliphotography is exceptionally talented at capturing the action on film. The master of all coaching and training for Mario, Laura and Alex is of course the legendary Keith Code and his California Superbike School.

Meet the Team


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